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Published: 27/3/2020 | Views: 304
At present, outbreaks in various countries have spread, and the number of infected people is increasing every day, and many people are panicking. The following article will explain how to ensure your safety in the face of the epidemic.
'Do it often and do it properly.
You should wash your hands after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; if you have had close physical contact with anyone unwell; after using the toilet; before and after eating; and after you touch a pet.
Experts also say you should wash your hands after visiting public spaces to remove any germs you may have picked up from contaminated surfaces, such as those frequently touched on public transport, shopping centers, or gyms.
You also need to wash them thoroughly, lathering them up with soap and scrubbing for at least 20 seconds (about the time it takes to sing 'Happy Birthday' twice) under clean, running water.
When you cough or sneeze, sneeze into your elbow. Then wash your hands.
Don't touch your face; get used to not touching your face; even if it itches, please do not touch your face.
'If you need to touch your face, wash your hands first.'
1.5 meters away from everyone whenever that is possible.
At home or with small groups of friends, that means avoiding handshaking and other physical greetings; regularly cleaning shared high-touch surfaces such as tables, kitchen benches, and doorknobs; increasing the amount of fresh air in your home by opening windows or adjusting the air conditioning; and; buying what you can online, so you limit visits to the shop.
Only go out when you're feeling well. Go to work when you're feeling well. Practice good hand hygiene and practice that social distancing at all times. This is critical now.
Try to keep your hands to yourself and avoid touching surfaces in public places, including public transport, shopping centers, and gyms.
Make sure high-touch surfaces such as doorknobs and kitchen benches are sanitized regularly in your home.
Make sure you clean and sanitize the things you frequently use — including mobiles, keys, and wallets — often and thoroughly.
Earlier this week, pharmacists were told to dispense only one month's worth of prescription medicines and limit purchasing some over-the-counter products.
'Please do not buy more than you need for anything.'
Don't buy reams and reams of toilet paper, don't stock up on a year's worth of canned goods, and don't strip the shelves bare in supermarkets.
Please just take what you need.
Schools, universities, airports, public transport, medical and emergency services facilities, aged care homes, jails, courts, parliaments, supermarkets, and workplaces are exempt.
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